250+ 5-Star Reviews
This exquisite churchill, measuring a substantial 7x50, offers a remarkable smoking experience. With a 20-count box, it's perfect for aficionados seeking a medium-body blend that strikes a harmonious balance
The Crooked Diamond Cigar, a collaborative masterpiece by Larry Lawton and Oliva Cigars, features an authentic Cameroon wrapper that lends a touch of sweetness and complexity to each puff.
Discover the perfection of the Crooked Diamond Cigar, where passion, quality, and a touch of Oliva's heritage converge for an unforgettable cigar journey.
20-count Box
Cameroon Wrapper
Nicaraguan Habana Fillers
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This exquisite toro, measuring a substantial 6x50, offers a remarkable smoking experience. With a 20-count box, it's perfect for aficionados seeking a medium-body blend that strikes a harmonious balance
The Crooked Diamond Cigar, a collaborative masterpiece by Larry Lawton and Oliva Cigars, features an authentic Cameroon wrapper that lends a touch of sweetness and complexity to each puff.
Discover the perfection of the Crooked Diamond Cigar, where passion, quality, and a touch of Oliva's heritage converge for an unforgettable cigar journey.
A new standard in cigar smoking
Cameroon Wrapper
Our Cameroon wrapper brings a delightful touch of natural sweetness and complexity, setting your cigar apart with its distinctive and sought-after flavor profile.
Nicaraguan Habana fillers
The natural richness and complexity of Nicaraguan Habana fillers make our cigars unique. These carefully selected leaves contribute to the cigar's exquisite flavor, offering a journey of earthy richness and subtle spice that evolves with each puff.
Medium Body Blend
The perfect balance between bold and smooth. Our medium body blend is expertly crafted to cater to both seasoned connoisseurs and newcomers, delivering a versatile and satisfying smoking experience that's never too overpowering or too mild.
Crafted by Oliva
The Crooked Diamond Cigar is the result of collaboration with the renowned Oliva Cigars. This partnership ensures the highest level of craftsmanship, expertise, and tradition, guaranteeing a cigar of unmatched quality and excellence.
A new standard
in cigars.
Medium Body Blend
Cameroon Wrapper
Nicaraguan Habana fillers
Customers can't stop raving about their experience
Robert C.
My new favorite cigar! I’m on box number 3 and still enjoying that perfect burn down to the nub! Good oak taste! Have shared with multiple cigar enthusiasts who have been equally impressed!
Rod Gaines
This is my new favorite! The Robusto compares with Oliva and Monte Cristo! Medium body with a hint of spiciness and smokes great with consistency in each pull.
Deron Coaxum
Excellent stick. It burns smooth. I will definitely keep in the collection.
Customers can't stop raving about
See why customers trust Diamond Cigar
Robert C.
My new favorite cigar! I’m on box number 3 and still enjoying that perfect burn down to the nub! Good oak taste! Have shared with multiple cigar enthusiasts who have been equally impressed!
Rod Gaines
This is my new favorite! The Robusto compares with Oliva and Monte Cristo! Medium body with a hint of spiciness and smokes great with consistency in each pull.
Deron Coaxum
Excellent stick. It burns smooth. I will definitely keep in the collection.
The story behind
Crooked Diamond Cigar
I wanted to take one of my favorite things and share it with the world and what a better way to do it than blending a premium cigar named after my biggest mistakes and twisting it into a positive which, by now I’m sure you know I thrive on. Inclusivity, Positivity and good choices are what I’d like to bring to the world. Smoking cigars is a social or personal experience that relaxes you and brings you to a great end for every day.
I hope you enjoy my cigar, I truly thought about everyone when blending it.
See you on YouTube!
I've smoked cigars for 40 years.
Now I get to express my own take on a classic experience.
The Crooked Diamond Cigar is the result of collaboration with the renowned Oliva Cigars. This partnership ensures the highest level of craftsmanship, expertise, and tradition, guaranteeing a cigar of unmatched quality and excellence.
What's the difference between cigar sizes and shapes?
Cigar sizes impact the duration of your smoke, while shapes can influence the way the flavors are experienced. For instance, a thinner ring gauge might provide a quicker smoke, while a torpedo shape can concentrate flavors.
What's the significance of the cigar's wrapper?
The wrapper plays a crucial role in the cigar's flavor and overall appearance. A Cameroon wrapper, for example, brings a sweet and complex taste, while a Maduro wrapper is known for its rich, dark, and often sweeter characteristics.
What's the difference between hand-rolled and machine-made cigars?
Hand-rolled cigars are crafted by skilled artisans, resulting in higher quality and a more personalized touch. Machine-made cigars are mass-produced and generally offer a consistent, milder experience.
(Our cigars are hand-rolled)
What does the term "ring gauge" mean?
Ring gauge measures the cigar's width in 64ths of an inch. It is a key factor in determining a cigar's size and how it feels in your hand.
What's the significance of the cigar's country of origin?
A cigar's origin influences its flavor due to the soil, climate, and tobacco types unique to that region. Cuban cigars, for instance, are celebrated for their earthy and spicy notes.
What's the difference between a cigar's strength and body?
Cigar strength refers to the amount of nicotine, affecting the "kick" or buzz, while body describes the intensity and depth of the flavors. A medium-body cigar can be mild in strength but still rich in taste.
How should I cut and light a cigar properly?
Use a guillotine cutter to make a clean, straight cut at the cigar's head. When lighting, ensure an even burn by toasting the foot of the cigar and drawing evenly.
What's the best way to pair cigars with beverages (e.g., whiskey, wine, coffee)?
Experiment with pairings, but consider complementary flavors. For example, a mild cigar may pair well with a lighter scotch or coffee, while a full-bodied cigar complements a robust red wine or aged whiskey.
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by Larry Lawton. All rights reserved.
© 2023 - Crooked Diamond Cigar
by Larry Lawton. All rights reserved.
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